On Living When You Are LostThe other day while fighting a 104F/39.5C fever for the fourth day in a row, I thought about dying. There were a billion cacti clawing at…May 8, 2023May 8, 2023
On Grabbing Coffee In New YorkThis thing about grabbing coffee is that it’s weird. It’s such a New York thing. Let’s get coffee, you would say, as an invitation to a…Feb 23, 2022Feb 23, 2022
Meandering 20sI’ve almost forgotten what it feels like to love something with such a ferocious, singular focus, that when they speak about it, their eyes…Oct 18, 2021Oct 18, 2021
End of a shitty weekI’m sitting in front of my fridge munching on chocolate — the fridge door ajar, the box of chocolates nestling on the hardwood floor, a…Jul 16, 2021Jul 16, 2021
Slowing down in a sea of hurried fishIt’s 4:06pm, the rain is pelting down in doves of collective angst. Thunder roars loudly in the distance, as flashes of bright light…Jun 4, 2021Jun 4, 2021
The Underbelly of a MallSlice a sashimi and you get a thick layer of fatty, tender meat that your teeth digs into and rips apart in a quick predatorial bite…Feb 8, 2021Feb 8, 2021
New York SunsetA shocking smear of orange blend into varying shades of purple and understated blue. The sky seem to stretch on endlessly, beyond the…Sep 1, 2020Sep 1, 2020
Eviction!5 boxes and 2 suitcases, my life whisked into a flurry of needs and need-nots. Marie Kondo would have been proud of me- or would she with…Mar 21, 2020Mar 21, 2020
The Man Who Refused To Microwave His Cold BurritoThe microwave is in the kitchen, about 6 feet from his current position on the bed- yes, he has a mini-apartment, but who doesn’t in this…Feb 27, 2020Feb 27, 2020
The Nail That Sticks Out Shall Be Hammered DownPeople have always found it difficult to pin me down. I just can’t be placed somehow, and to that end I am as confused as the person…Feb 20, 2020Feb 20, 2020